Wednesday, January 27, 2010


The life of Dr José C. Massinga represents the lives of many African brothers and sisters who dedicated themselves to the struggle for the liberation of the African continent in the hope of one day living in a free and better Africa, but who were detained, tortured and even killed – some of them without trial – by the very countrymen who took over power when the colonial powers were overthrown.

In today's Africa, most of these heroes have been forgotten as if they never existed when, in actual fact, without their contributions to the struggle, even if victory was certain, it may have been delayed.

As the leaders of contemporary Africa advocate the rebirth of the continent through the newly launched African Union (AU), they should know that an African union cannot be built on a falsefoundation. If this new union is, and is to be considered different from its predecessor the Organization of African Unit (OAU), it needs to embrace the truth and reconciliation as a defining value of its foundation.

While the OAU was formed with genuine intentions, it is the same organisation which was used for propaganda purposes by African dictators. Some of the history and people found in books published under the authority of the OAU and distributed in national libraries in countries across Africa, are a testimony of how African leaders manipulated this organisation for their own propaganda and the spreading of fabricated information.

A biophysical, social, political and economic African renaissance can only be achieved if all citizens are considered equal, the rights of all are respected, and every citizen's efforts and contribution are acknowledged - for Africa is not for those in power at any given moment, but for all Africans, irrespective of tribe, religion, family background and colour of skin.

It is hoped that this book, 'The Life and Walks of Dr. José C. Massinga', will serve as a source of inspiration to: firstly, those Mozambicans who, because of their love for Mozambique, dedicated their lives to the struggle for both independence and democracy of their country and were never acknowledged; secondly, to those fellow Africans who passed through similar situations in any part of Africa: and thirdly, to any freedom fighter in any part of the world who hopes and prays for freedom, independence and peace in his land.

Truth will prevail, it's just a matter of time!

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